There are finally signs that winter is coming. The biggest of which was our first snow flurries that appeared yesterday - yes I said our FIRST, snow has come late for us here. Yesterdays snow fall lasted 10 minutes, but last night we got a real "dusting". The dusting was so little that by 10am the snow had melted so I didn't even get a picture.
But there are other signs - like the Geese!! Yesterday, I went outside to get something from the garage and I heard this loud honking noise. I knew it was geese but it literally sounded like there should have been geese in my back yard, they were so loud. Then I looked up and the sky was FULL of geese, all flying south for the winter. It was so beautiful to see them flying in their V shapes and talking to eachother. This is one of the things I will really miss about living in New York. I love seeing Mother Nature at work.
Tess is looking so grown up, this will be a very fun's so fun when they really start to get it all. We miss you guys so much and wish we could see you this winter.
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