Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Hell May Have Frozen Over... maybe

...or maybe just a slight frost.
For all of you that know me well you know that I am a very lazy, selfish, and stubborn person - don't argue, you know I am!!!
So, I have always had a hard time with service, I don't like doing it - again for the a fore mentioned reasons. Charity is not a trait that I posses and I think it may take my whole life to get it. I have forced myself to serve knowing that EVENTUALLY I would get the spirit of it and enjoy doing it. You know, fake it till you make it. That was pretty much my mantra on service.
Well, the other day I had a HUGE break though. An opportunity to serve came my way. It wasn't forced on me, but it was an opportunity that I could take or let pass me by. To my complete shock and surprise, I wanted to do it!! Really truly wanted to serve, and not only that, I was happy about it!! During the whole course of serving I never once was grumpy or resented it in any way. I was completely discombobulated by the whole event.
Maybe it won't take me a lifetime to learn charity. Don't worry I won't get ahead of myself. I still have a very long way to go. But hey, progress is progress right?


Adriann said...

What was it? Watching those kids you mentioned? Because if it was that I am VERY impressed because i know how much you hate watching other people's kids. Good for you! And hey, what's more charitable than sending your sister boxes of clothes every six months?!?! Give yourself a little more credit. There's lots of charitable bones in your body.

Jon and Tamara said...

Yep, you are exactly as I always thought you were. :-) You can't convince me otherwise. You're just wonderful and I really miss you... I agree w/ Adriann, give yourself more credit. :-)