Tuesday, November 4, 2008

I'm sick of the ELECTION!!

I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo sick of the election. I can't tell you how thrilled I am that it will be over soon. I confess that I am not very political. Probably because I have only lived in the state that I was registered in to vote, once - and that was way back at BYU. Voting by absentee ballot, is completely lame. Also, because I'm not there to get the details for the state races I can only vote for the presidency. Then I have to suffer through all the local election politics here, and not get to vote for them. Maybe I should just change my residency so I won't have to deal with this stuff.

Anyway, I was surprised today when the kids came home from school talking about the election. I realized that I have not been talking to them about it like I should. Zachary and Emma proudly said that they would vote for Barrack Obama - where did I go wrong!!! - mostly because he was the more popular candidate at the school. Tyson proudly said he would vote for McCain - yea Ty!! - but I think that was mostly because he was a soldier. I have failed as a mother when it comes to educating my children about politics!!

I guess the point of this rant is that even though politics bores me to tears and I can't stand all the bitterness and lying, I still need to be involved. Just yesterday Zachary was complaining about a compromise that we had made as a family, that he chose not to be involved in. I sternly told him that he wasn't aloud to complain about the outcome if he wasn't involved in the decision making. What a lesson that was to me and all of us. My husband fights for my and your freedom to voice our opinions and vote for whom we choose. What a blessing that is, that I take for granted!! I need to be more involved and aware of the world around me, and stop complaining about things unless I am willing to role up my sleeves and get to work. So, as HUGELY grateful I am that the election is almost over, there will be another one in just 2 short years. I will try to be involved next time and stop complaining as much. Here's hoping!


Sara is crazy four my boys said...

I always register to vote in the state we are currently living in at the time. I also get a drivers license in whatever state we live in at the time it expires.
The kids had a mock election at school. Noah informed me that he voted for Barrack Obama and he didn't really know who to vote for. Owen and Andrew had voted for McCain.

Amy said...

My kids voted for Obama in school today too! We've been so involved with Prop 8 that we haven't even discussed the presidential election! Had they been asked about the propositions they would have voted yes on prop 8 though!

Adriann said...

You think YOU'RE sick of the election??? You haven't been living with a political junkie for the 2 YEARS it has taken to run the stupid thing!!!!! In fact, as I type this Shane is flipping in between all kinds of channels reporting on "exit polls" etc. Why not just turn it on in an hour when they will actually know? Why do we have to listen to these people tell us the SAME INFORMATION over and over and over again?!?!?!?! Ok, I am grateful for the right to vote, I just wish the campaigns were more like 2 weeks long and not 2 YEARS LONG. THANK GOODNESS ITS ALL OVER IN A FEW HOURS!

Unknown said...

I haven't read your blog for awhile so I have a few comments. Palmayra was beautiful, so now I have one good thing I like about fall: your pictures (read Adriann's blog to see what I am talking about). Next, welcome home Ron, glad you are here and thank you for serving our great nation. I love and appreciate you. Thanks for sharing the pictures of the return, I love seeing pictures of your family together. Finally, I believe in brain washing your children when it comes to politics. They get enough cr_p from the outside world in their lives, they will make their own decisions, but I really think it is my job to help them see why my way is the right way when they are little. So talk about politics at home, put up a picture of your favorite candidate and tell them why you pick them. Then take them voting with you. Aiden went with Jen and me and he just loves helping me vote and wearing the "I Voted" Sticker...he loved playing in the mud puddles outside the polling place even more!

Pattersons said...

Teach them conservatism so they might govern themselves. Alsoo tell them that uncle Mason eats Democrats as a symbol.