Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I'm home from my adventures in France! It was a wonderul vacation and a much needed break for me from my mom duties. Don't get me wrong, I missed my kids, but it was wonderful to not worry about anyone but me! Here's how it started - more details with future posts. My mom, my sister Jacque and I flew into Paris on different airlines on the 4th of July. I point out the different airlines thing because that always causes adventures - this trip was no exception. While Jacque waited for both of us she got to walk back and forth between terminals (not a short walk) and after I finally landed we waited for my mom. While we waited we got to experience what happens in an airport when a bag is left unattended. We were moved out of the terminal with French security guards staring at everyone (they aren't scary by the way)until they announced to everyone that there would be a loud noise and we should cover our ears, and then..... they blew up the bag. Then my mom finally landed, we got our rental car, and then just when we thought we could leave the airport - a group of French protestors (of course they were French we were in France, I don't know why I mentioned that) blocked the road and we got to sit in the car for half an hour while they yelled about something (we don't know what) and then we finally got to leave!! So just for fun here are the first pictures I took of my trip to France.

We bought some breakfast while we waited for my mom. It was so expensive Jacque wouldn't even tell me how much. Anyway, this was Jacque's spoon with her yogurt. I think we found the secret to why the French are so skinny - they eat with baby utensils!

Protestors. I took the pictures from inside the car -you never can be too careful!!

Do these police officers look scary to you? I didn't think so.

Here is a picture to wet your appetite for my next post. This was our B&B in the Loir Valley.


Adriann said...

they blew up the bag?! Thats an interesting experience! What if it was a bomb, wouldn't that have made it an even bigger explosion?? I guess they knew what they were doing.

Sara is crazy four my boys said...

Wow there is always so excitement on a trip isn't there??