Friday, October 2, 2009

Kind Act of Service

Today, someone performed a kind act of service for me and I want to tell you about it.

Once upon a time, just kidding, hahaha!! Okay, so this morning Tess and I left the house around 10 to run 3 errands: Michaels then Target then the Commissary for our groceries. By the end of Michaels Tess was turning into a little terror. Tess is either on (super happy and obedient) or off (yelling and throwing fits all day). Yesterday Tess was on, so that meant that today she would be off, its basically an every other day phenomenon. Anyway, so she was awful at Target, but she was pacified at the end of our check out because she got to hold the cool pony pinata we bought for Emmas birthday party next week. From Target to Post it takes almost 20 minutes. About 15 minutes in I notice she was getting a little glazed over and I asked her if she was tired and she said yes. I was hoping this meant she would be more mellow at the Commissary for me and fall asleep on the way home. No such luck. Just as I got through the gate I look back and she's asleep. So then comes the dilemma, what do I do? Do I turn around and just go home? Or do I lug a sleeping almost 3 year old through the commissary (because she won't wake up once she's asleep)? I've done the latter and let me tell you its really hard to push a cart, carry a sleeping child and bag groceries all at the same time.

But then I had a glorious idea. I have a friend that lives in one of the housing communities right by the Commissary. This sweet friend is pregnant with her first child and works part time, so there was a good chance she would be home. So I took the chance and drove straight to her house and banged on the door. I was so thrilled when she answered!! Then I asked her my CRAZY favor. "Will you come with me to the Commissary and just sit in the car with Tess so I can let her sleep and I can run in and grab my groceries?" I seriously thought she would laugh at me, but she said "Sure! Can I stay in my sweats?" "Of course!!" So I told her to grab a book so she wouldn't be completely bored, and we took off. It was so wonderful!! Tess slept the whole time I was shopping, the whole way home, and then for another 2 hours at home(she didn't get a nap yesterday so she was extra tired today).

It was such a small thing for my friend to do, sit in a car and read, but it absolutely made my day!! I got to finish my errands and Tess got a good nap. We were both happy!! Oh, and I did buy her a Twix as a thank you. So a HUGE shout out to sweet Christina for helping me out today. It was a little thing to do, but it was a big deal to me. Thank you!!

1 comment:

Adriann said...

Wow that is a really nice friend. And very smart for thinking of that! I never would have thought of it. How nice that she kept on sleeping. Wahoo!