Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Fire Pit Fun

I have always wanted a fire pit and Ron surprised me this summer with one. We only got to use it once before he left in August, so we busted it out a few weekends ago. It is so much fun!!
An evening in pictures........

All gathered around the fire.

Tess couldn't wait for the roasting to start.

Zach was the only one who torched his marshmallows.

Now this is more like it!

Hailey stayed far away from the fire.

The final product - ooey, gooey, goodness!!

The key is to place the chocolate bar between two marshmallows, so the warm marshmallows help to melt the chocolate. Its the best!!

Telling stories around the fire. My Uncle Randy use to tell the best campfire stories, I just can't remember any of them!! So we made up our own - and they ended up pretty weird :-)

Ty doesn't like smores but he is a master roaster.

All done with the fun, and time for baths.

What an awesome evening!


Theresa Walker said...

Love the fire pit. My kids would dig that. Looks like a lot of fun.

Shay said...

I love it, we had smores last night!! The fire pit will create some awesome memories!

Adriann said...

Yumm, now I want to make smores for dinner!

Jenna said...

Looks like some good old family times, that is an awesome fire pit, the classiest one I ever have seen!
Enjoy your Mommacita. Oh...I hope you like your gift, sorry it is so late, if you don't like it, the colors I mean, just let me know and I'll make another for ya and regift that one. Miss you guys.

~j. said...

Fun! I love the smell of a good fire in the fall.