Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The incredible vanishing...

FISH!! Okay, we have a mystery at the Crowther house. Emma's fish has gone missing. A missing fish you say, yes a missing fish. How can a fish go missing? I have no idea!! A few days before I went to Ohio I cleaned out the fish bowl and changed the water. I know for sure that Rose (Emma's fish) was safely placed in the clean bowl. The day I left for Ohio I went to feed her a little extra food, hoping it would hold her for two days until I got back, and she was gone. Yes gone!! The fish bowl was on top of the dresser, so Tess and the dog couldn't reach it (yes I did consider my dog the culprit, but she's clean). There was no mess or spilled water to suggest that someone reached in and grabbed her. And no,my kids aren't clever enough to clean up their mess to cover their tracks - their messes give them away every time. At first I thought I was seeing things so I had Ron come and check, sure enough, no fish. We questioned the kids and they all seemed genuinely honest in their denials of any wrong doing. Finally I thought we had an acrobatic fish that jumped out of her bowl. So I checked on the carpet, behind and under the dresser - no luck. Where did she go? We have absolutely no idea. We are buying a replacement fish today. Poor Rose.


Okie Bloxhams said...

maybe she jumped out and the dog ate her then. we had some koi jump out of the pond before. weird.

Marla said...

this reminds me of Nemo, sorry to Emma though. :)

Anonymous said...

hmmm...if someone found Rose floating, do you think they would flush her before anyone else would have to see the tragedy?

Sara is crazy four my boys said...

Sounds like it would make a good Dr. Seuss story!