Thursday, May 28, 2009

Ty turns 11

My first born is now 11. HOLY COW!!! His actual birth day was a little low key because it was the same night as pack meeting/pine wood derby, so the festivities were short and sweet. No worries, he has a party with friends on Saturday. So the first order of the day was to deliver the cupcakes I made for his class. I got the idea to make rainbow cupcakes from my favorite cooking blog, Our Best Bites (link on the right of the blog), and Tyson thought the idea was cool. So off I went on my fun baking adventure. It was fun, but it takes forever to do the layers; almost 2 1/2 hours from start to finish. But aren't they amazing? And they tasted great too!!

A little mouthful of rainbow goodness!!

After his birthday dinner of Pizza Hut Pizza (he and Ron are the only ones who like Pizza Hut, so I ate a salad and Emma and Zach suffered through it - all pizza is not created equal!) we quickly opened presents. He loves the quilt from grandma (already slept with it) and is excited to spend the money she sent too :-)

He loves the computer simulation games where you create civilizations and have them battle each other. I found this one and he is really excited about it.

I really wanted him to ask for this game. When Andy and Jenna came to visit for Easter they brought this game with them. It is soooo much fun and I have wanted to play it ever since. So I was thrilled when he asked for it.

Now, if you will recall all electronic privileges have been taken away from the kids. I found it very ironic that those were what he asked for, knowing he couldn't play them. So needless to say he is going a little crazy and is already accusing me of torture. But hey, if that's what he wants for his birthday that's what he is going to get. But don't worry, he will get to play the Wii game at his party because we are having a Wii sport competition. They are excited to get to play the Wii again, it's been almost a month since they last played.

Oh, and I forgot to mention what he really wanted for his birthday - his own cell phone!! He says that all of the kids in his class have one so he needs one too. I told him "no way jose!!" We do have an extra cell phone that acts like our home number. Its mostly used when we have babysitters so that they have a phone to call us with. So I told him if there was ever a situation where he justifiably needed one he could take that phone with him. He wasn't thrilled with that idea. We told him when he is 12 and can pay for the extra line, then we'll talk. We'll see if it happens.


Donetta said...

The cupcakes look really great.

Okie Bloxhams said...

way cool cupcakes!! and I LOVE pizza hut but no one else really does.

Jenna said...

nice game ty get me one for is toucher for no wii.