I realize that I post about things and problems I'm having and then I never give an update. So here are updates on Tysons football extravaganza and Tess' potty training adventures.
Tyson and football - not a good match. By the end of the second week I thought he was going to make it. He was starting to have fun and even referred to himself as a "football player". But then the 3rd week of practice happened and he got his official position - Tight End. I thought that sounded good, but I forgot about a MAJOR problem - Tyson hates to tackle or be tackled. That is a major problem when you're playing TACKLE FOOTBALL!! So by the middle of that week, he wanted to quit again. After many phone calls to family (since it took a while to get in touch with Ron) I was starting to cave on the letting him quit issue. Mostly because its really hard to drag an 11 year old boy into a car kicking and screaming. So, when I finally talked to Ron we agreed that he gave it a try and he could quit, with certain stipulations. Tyson was allowed to quit if he spoke to his coach in person and told him why he was quiting and if he repayed us for some of the cost of his equipment. So there you go, he got to quit. I still have mixed feelings about the whole thing, but its over and done now; another learning experience. He is playing soccer this fall and is participating in a Boy Scout Troop.
Tess and potty training - ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! I think we are quiting again. I definitely tried harder this time, but she just couldn't care less. The only success she had was when she was sitting on the potty in front of the t.v. and she just happened to pee. She didn't even notice that she had even done it. So, I guess she isn't quite ready yet. I know she has the bladder control, so that won't be an issue. I just need to wait until her diapers bother her and she actually wants to use the potty. I think I'll still have her use the bathroom before baths and at bedtime. Several people have told me to not stress about it and just let her take her time. I just worry that I'm being lazy by not potty training her yet. I guess she isn't 3 for another 2 1/2 months. I can stress about it then.
So there you go, you're updated on all our drama.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Potty Training Take 2
So, here we go, trying potty training AGAIN. We started yesterday - 0 success. And not only was there 0 successes, both Tess and I were both pretty grumpy by the end of the day. She was tired of me following her everywhere and making her sit on towels on the couch, and the frequent every half hour bathroom visits. And of course I was sick of following her everywhere, and cleaning up all the messes. So I made some command decisions yesterday.
#1 - Instead of doing the naked routine (which worked with the other 3 kids) I am using Pull Ups this time. I have NEVER used pull ups and in fact I have been a strong advocate against them. But you know what - she and I are both happier with a little space from each other and not worrying about what she is sitting on or where she is. This way, I still take her every half hour to use the potty, but I don't have to worry about any messes in between. And we still call them her "panties" and she likes pulling them on and off all my herself.
#2 - I bought a toddler potty. I have always bought the toilet seat inserts to just put on the toilet. Its always worked great. I bought a princess one and a dora one this time for Tess. But a friend suggested the potty to me yesterday for a very good reason - Tess is a t.v. a-holic. So now, the potty sits in our family room right in front of the t.v. She can just sit on the potty and watch her cartoons all at the same time. And what do you know - 3 successes today already!!
So basically, I am changing all my tried and true methods of potty training a child. But I figure, if we both come out the other end sane and happy and she's potty trained then who cares how we got there, right? Any other tips for me since I'm flying by the seat of my pants on this one?
#1 - Instead of doing the naked routine (which worked with the other 3 kids) I am using Pull Ups this time. I have NEVER used pull ups and in fact I have been a strong advocate against them. But you know what - she and I are both happier with a little space from each other and not worrying about what she is sitting on or where she is. This way, I still take her every half hour to use the potty, but I don't have to worry about any messes in between. And we still call them her "panties" and she likes pulling them on and off all my herself.
#2 - I bought a toddler potty. I have always bought the toilet seat inserts to just put on the toilet. Its always worked great. I bought a princess one and a dora one this time for Tess. But a friend suggested the potty to me yesterday for a very good reason - Tess is a t.v. a-holic. So now, the potty sits in our family room right in front of the t.v. She can just sit on the potty and watch her cartoons all at the same time. And what do you know - 3 successes today already!!
So basically, I am changing all my tried and true methods of potty training a child. But I figure, if we both come out the other end sane and happy and she's potty trained then who cares how we got there, right? Any other tips for me since I'm flying by the seat of my pants on this one?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
First Time
First time in curlers. I can't believe she is almost 3 and I've never put her in curlers before. I guess its because her hair is so cute all on its own. But it was definately cuter with a little bit of curl. She couldn't keep them in long enough for them to dry completely so they didn't stay curlie for long - but it was cute while it lasted.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
It's coming......
I feel it in the air, its coming, Fall!!! I absolutely love Fall, it is one of the best seasons!! In California growing up, fall lasted all of a week. Here in Upstate New York, Fall last at least 2 months long, and it is FABULOUS!! The leaves are beginning to change, the mornings are cool and crisp, and the temperature is starting to go down. Its time to wear light layers, and visit apple orchards, and pick pumpkins, and drinking fresh apple cider and bake pumpkin bread - all of it WONDERFUL!! Can you tell how excited I am? Oh how I love the changing of the seasons.
This is my neighbors awesome maple tree. It is just starting to change colors. We use to have one just as big but we had to cut it down. Maple trees have the most magnificent array of colors in the fall.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Journal Entry 9/11/01
I wrote this in my son Tyson's journal 3 days after 9/11. I knew that this event would change things forever.
Historical Event:
Three days ago the United States of America was attacked by terrorists. On September 11,2001 at 8:46 am EST a high jacked airplane was flown into one of the World Trade Center Towers in New York City. About 15 minutes later another high jacked plane flew into the other World Trade Tower. 15 minutes later another high jacked plane flew into the Pentagon in Virginia. About an hour later both the towers collapsed killing hundreds of rescue workers and thousands of people left trapped in the building. Another high jacked plane crashed in Pennsylvania on its way to D.C. It is believed that the passengers on the plane jumped the hijackers and stopped them from crashing into the White House or the Capitol. It is believed that almost 6,000 people have died or are missing.
Today,September 14, 2001 is a National Day of Prayer and Mourning. Our Prophet, President Gordon B. Hinckley had a memorial service in the Tabernacle. The President of the United States, George Walker Bush, held a prayer service in D.C.
The country in united in their grief and resolve to punish those who did this. It is believed that Osama Bin Ladin, a terrorist leader from Afghanistan is behind this attack.
I am horrified, saddened, and still in disbelief. I have watched the t.v. continuously for 3 days. My fear now is that war will come and that Ron will have to go. I can't imagine what war will do to our family and the world. I pray daily that God will bless us with peace and wisdom in this crisis.
I have two very profound memories from that day. I just sat in front of the t.v. all day and cried
and cried. When news reporters started speculating about what this all meant and would we go to war, they brought up the idea of initiating the draft again. I called for Ron, who was working in the office, and told him what the reporters said. I asked him if he would go and fight, to which he responded that he wouldn't wait for a draft that he would sign up voluntarily. This was before we had any intention of joining the military. I should have seen then how strongly patriotic my husband was. The idea of my husband serving in the military and fighting a war was terrifying to me, it still is. Little did I know that he would serve in a war zone twice (to date).
My other memory is of that evening. We had our two boys by then, they were 3 1/2 and 1 1/2. After they fell asleep that night I went into their room and just watched them sleep. Again, I cried and cried. I was scared for them. I didn't know how this would effect them. I didn't want them to grow up in a world full of war and terror. I didn't want their father taken from them. I didn't want them to end up fighting in a war. I looked at their precious peaceful faces and I was afraid of the kind of world that I would have to raise them in.
Now we live in a world that dramatically changed after that day. It dramatically effected my family, and it continues to effect us every day. Ron leaves again this winter to continue the Fight on Terror. And yes, it is a Fight on Terror, and I am proud of my husband for helping us win that fight. And I know we will win. And I know my boys are proud of their dad too. To quote a line from a movie "There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer." Our Armed Forces are full of volunteers who know the risk and serve willingly. I am proud and greatfull for all of them.
Historical Event:
Three days ago the United States of America was attacked by terrorists. On September 11,2001 at 8:46 am EST a high jacked airplane was flown into one of the World Trade Center Towers in New York City. About 15 minutes later another high jacked plane flew into the other World Trade Tower. 15 minutes later another high jacked plane flew into the Pentagon in Virginia. About an hour later both the towers collapsed killing hundreds of rescue workers and thousands of people left trapped in the building. Another high jacked plane crashed in Pennsylvania on its way to D.C. It is believed that the passengers on the plane jumped the hijackers and stopped them from crashing into the White House or the Capitol. It is believed that almost 6,000 people have died or are missing.
Today,September 14, 2001 is a National Day of Prayer and Mourning. Our Prophet, President Gordon B. Hinckley had a memorial service in the Tabernacle. The President of the United States, George Walker Bush, held a prayer service in D.C.
The country in united in their grief and resolve to punish those who did this. It is believed that Osama Bin Ladin, a terrorist leader from Afghanistan is behind this attack.
I am horrified, saddened, and still in disbelief. I have watched the t.v. continuously for 3 days. My fear now is that war will come and that Ron will have to go. I can't imagine what war will do to our family and the world. I pray daily that God will bless us with peace and wisdom in this crisis.
I have two very profound memories from that day. I just sat in front of the t.v. all day and cried
and cried. When news reporters started speculating about what this all meant and would we go to war, they brought up the idea of initiating the draft again. I called for Ron, who was working in the office, and told him what the reporters said. I asked him if he would go and fight, to which he responded that he wouldn't wait for a draft that he would sign up voluntarily. This was before we had any intention of joining the military. I should have seen then how strongly patriotic my husband was. The idea of my husband serving in the military and fighting a war was terrifying to me, it still is. Little did I know that he would serve in a war zone twice (to date).
My other memory is of that evening. We had our two boys by then, they were 3 1/2 and 1 1/2. After they fell asleep that night I went into their room and just watched them sleep. Again, I cried and cried. I was scared for them. I didn't know how this would effect them. I didn't want them to grow up in a world full of war and terror. I didn't want their father taken from them. I didn't want them to end up fighting in a war. I looked at their precious peaceful faces and I was afraid of the kind of world that I would have to raise them in.
Now we live in a world that dramatically changed after that day. It dramatically effected my family, and it continues to effect us every day. Ron leaves again this winter to continue the Fight on Terror. And yes, it is a Fight on Terror, and I am proud of my husband for helping us win that fight. And I know we will win. And I know my boys are proud of their dad too. To quote a line from a movie "There is nothing stronger than the heart of a volunteer." Our Armed Forces are full of volunteers who know the risk and serve willingly. I am proud and greatfull for all of them.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
New Blog
I started another blog. Its called Ramblings of an Army Wife. I don't think its a secret that I have been grumpy with Army living lately. So I decided that I needed another outlet to journal about MY Army experiences. I don't pretend that it will always be happy reading, but I do promise that I will be open and honest about my feelings. When have you ever known me to hold back? My point exactly. I really wanted a separate place to voice my feelings away from this blog. This is our FAMILY blog, the army blog is MY blog. So, I added it to my side bar. Check it out if you wish. I welcome all comments and thoughts. Oh, and if you want to become a contributor and write your own posts for the blog, let me know! I'd be happy to add as many army wives as possible to contribute to my ramblings.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Glory Hallelulia!!!!!
It finally came!! It finally came!! The first day of school finally came!!! And I am not the only one who is completely excited about it - ALL the kids are. Toward the end of the summer they were getting bored, and very sick of each other. They all love the teachers they got and they all have friends in their classes. That was always my biggest fear starting a new school year, if I would have friends in my class; I totally relate to their anxiety on that issue.
This morning went great!! I was even awake and alert for the whole morning :-) (I am not a morning person; this waking up by 7 thing is going to take a while to get use to again). They all happily were up and moving, making their beds, putting away their breakfast dishes and making their lunches. I realize the novelty of doing everything without being asked will wear off VERY soon, but I'm enjoying it while it lasts.
This morning went great!! I was even awake and alert for the whole morning :-) (I am not a morning person; this waking up by 7 thing is going to take a while to get use to again). They all happily were up and moving, making their beds, putting away their breakfast dishes and making their lunches. I realize the novelty of doing everything without being asked will wear off VERY soon, but I'm enjoying it while it lasts.
So now, the house is quiet and peaceful again. I am so happy!!! I just have to say, I LOVE SCHOOL!!
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