Thursday, August 27, 2009

Which would you choose?

I've got a cold. Not too bad, just enough to feel crummy and for cold medicine to knock me out. So I face the dilemma, what household chore should I do with my limited energy? Current chores that I should do are: load and unload dish washer, vacuum the downstairs, cook dinner, put away items in the "go upstairs" basket, clean up all the toys littered around the entire upstairs, or do my final paint coat on the upstairs banister. I chose to do my dishes. That is one thing that drives me crazy, it makes my whole kitchen look messy. So I got my dishes done and still had a little energy to pick up the downstairs, but I think I'm done for the night.

So what would you pick? When you're sick and you have limited energy what is the one thing that you will do, and ignore all others till you feel better? I'm really curious about what you'll pick. I think it says a lot about a person.


Kristi said...

Definitely doing the dishes and wiping the kitchen counter, and sweeping the kitchen floor. A clean kitchen makes such a huge impact on the rest of the house!

Unknown said...

I agree with the kitchen, but feeding my family is also important. :)
I am sick with a summer cold also and I think they are the worst!

Adriann said...

Put the toys away. A picked up floor makes me feel like my whole house is clean. I can avoid the kitchen when its messy and just pretend like its not there =).

Pattersons said...

i'd most definately do the kitchen and leave the toys to my children. or say the heck with it and let my super husband do it all:) or at leaast some of it.;)

Unknown said...

The kitchen...everything revolves around the kitchen and if I let that go, then things just get worse. Hope you are feeling better!

Erin said...

Right now I would clean the floor and vacuum first. Mostly because my little crawler has her hands and and face all over the carpet. Normally I would clean the kitchen first...but I hate the dishes. I would love to have a maid!

Theresa Walker said...

I'm with you on the kitchen. I hate waking up to a messy kitchen.

Okie Bloxhams said...

kitchen all the way

Sara is crazy four my boys said...

I break child labor laws at my house :P! The kids do the dishes and vacuum and put away their toys, among a long list of other things! But if I had to pick it would probably be a toss up between a picked up floor and the kitchen.