Thursday, February 5, 2009

Have you smelled cold?

Have you ever smelled the smell of a very cold morning? I LOVE the smell of COLD!! When I was a kid I associated this smell with Idaho because it was the only place I went that had that smell. I thought that Idaho just had a unique smell. Come to find out, that its just the smell of cold! And it isn't just a little cold, I mean less than 20 degrees cold - the kind of cold that freezes your nose hairs when you breathe! Now grant you, I don't like having my nose hairs freeze, but I still love the smell. And to top it all off my neighbor uses a wood burning furnace to heat his house in the winter so I get that delicious smell as well. It smells like a campfire all winter long. Ahhh, how I love the smells of winter.

p.s. the low temperature for last night was -25 and the high today is 15. Did I just say that I love living in the frozen north? Maybe the cold is messing with my brain!!


Pattersons said...

oh grace-you are so brave(or crazy) to like living in cold, freezing weather:) i hate it-especially the kind of cold where your nose hairs freeze! i've experienced that and no thanks-not again:) but glad you like it. have a fun weekend!

Gloua said...

oh my gosh i totally know what you mean! my nose hairs freeze to up here in idaho!! except i don't like the smell of cold, probably because i have to be cold to smell it! ha ha

Adriann said...

It MUST be messing with your head. Smell or no smell, there is NOTHING pleasant about 15 degrees! You're nuts. It was 75 degrees here today and WONDERFUL.

Sara is crazy four my boys said...

I think the smell of cold smells like boys! I guess I will get the chance to smell lots of cold in Alaska.

Jon and Tamara said...

I love that smell too.