Sunday, August 10, 2008

HELP Me Count My Blessings....Please!

Today in church they talked about over coming trials and enduring with faith, and one of the Hymns we sang was "Count Your Blessings". I realized that I really needed to count my blessings, because I am having such a hard time with something - let me explain.

We (the kids, my parents, and I) got back last night from spending a week at my parents cabin in Idaho. I got to see lots of my extended family which was wonderful because I haven't seen them in years. I really wanted to see two of my very favorite people, my cousin Sam and his wife Kendra. We visited and ate and the kids rode horses, it was a great time. Well after I saw them I got a little depressed, and it has just gotten worse over the last few days. On the 17 hour drive home (yes you read that right) I contemplated over why seeing them made me so sad. I figured it out. They have a great "normal" life. Sam is an attorney, Kendra works part time as a nurse, they just built a beautiful home that they will live in for the next bazillion years, and they have 3 beautiful girls. I call almost any version of family life that is non-military "normal". My family life is far from normal. I want normal - I crave it, more than I crave chocolate. I want my husband to walk through the door between 5 and 6 each night. I want to plan weekend activities and projects, knowing he will actually be there! I want him to be my kids sports coach. I want him to be at all the school performances. I want regular holiday and vacation traditions. I don't have any of that and it makes me really mad and sad.

How can I create a "normal" life for my children when our lives are anything but normal?

So, in an attempt to stay sane and not get bitter I will try to count my blessings. If you care to add any, please do!

Things I am thankful for(and not in any particular order):
1. Husband (I got really lucky)
2. Beautiful children (not just cute, beautiful)
3. Healthy children
4. Healthy body
5. Wonderful supportive family
6. Great friends
7. Beautiful home
8. Gospel
9. Faith in Heavenly Father
10. Seasons
11. Snow (I know I'm crazy but I just love it!)
12. Nature
13. Chocolate!!


Makenna said...

Your super fun trip you just went on to France! I wish I could have one of time.

Adriann said...

Indoor PLUMBING! Can you imagine living in your house, in the winter, without it???

Nat said...

I crave for a "Normal" Life also. Marine Corps life is HARD!


roxanne said...

I too can relate. In fact, I have been feeling the exact same way ever since Joe left after R&R. But I don't want a "normal" life, I want him home ALL the time! I'm working on that, but the other night I read the lyrics to "Come, Come Ye Saints," and it really stuck out at me that God knows what he is doing and the struggles make me stronger. It is Hymn 30 - check it out!

Meg said...

...Other military wives who know how you feel!
...a free country because we have amazing husbands and because they have great wives who let them do what they do!

I am so with you on every single point. My husband and I chat about it often. By the time he "gets out" and life is semi-normal it is too late to coach and be at the recitals and all, I hear ya! If you ever need to chat or vent, I am here girl! Anytime! Hang in there.
Having just moved into house #13 in 10 years of marriage I am really feeling your comment about living in one house for a bazillion years! How I would LOVE to do that! I hate moving, and saying goodbye to great friends!!