Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Memorial Day Fun

We had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend because my brother Macc and his wife Lisa came to visit!! We love visitors. They arrived Saturday and we immedately headed up to the Adirondacks to a museum called The WILD! It is very cool and we had tons of fun.

Tyson and Zach in front of one of the many fish aquariums.

Our favorite exhibit were the otters. They are so cute to watch- but hard to snap a picture of!

We could have watched the otters playing for hours.

Tess loved to look at the fish and the otters. She did not however want to stay in the stroller. I forgot how much fun it is to take a toddler to a museum :-( !!

Tess was much happier when we headed for the trails and she got to roam free!!

Picture of our whole crew. I'm sure Macc & Lisa appreciate the picture of their backs! Sorry!

Why spend money on museum admission when they have just as much fun throwing rocks in the pond?

On Monday we planned on having a fun BBQ outside. Mother Nature had other plans. As soon as we got the meat on the BBQ it started to rain. Macc and Lisa were troopers and stuck it out until the meat was done, and then we headed indoors to eat.
Unfortunately these are the only pictures I took of them together. Aren't they sooo cute?!!

The kids were hanging out on the new hammock that Uncle Macc and Aunt Lisa put together for me, while lunch was being made. They didn't seem to care when it started raining. They just grabbed umbrellas and kept having fun!

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