Monday, April 7, 2008

Good Mom Day...

I feel the need to share with the world that I had a good mom day today. Nothing extrordinary mind you, but a good day. I didn't ignore my boys screaming at me @ 5 a.m. telling me that they had diarhea and then @ 5:15 when Zach started throwing up. I calmly got up and took care of them - even though we have had this stomache bug for two weeks and I am more than a little sick of it. I got Emma ready for school and even did her hair in a beautiful chinese girl bun to go with her chinese dress (it is crazy dress up week at school.) I actually did my hair and put makeup on and cleaned and vacuumed the down stairs and started the laundry. I got visiting teaching done, all my laundry, all my dishes, and successfully took the boys with me to the grocery store without yelling once!!

We took some time to enjoy the beautiful 60 degree day and stared at our few but proud flowers that are finally budding!! I calmly handled the hord of kids that ran around my house after school and very politely reminded them all to remove their muddy shoes before coming inside. I served a healthy and homemade dinner, the kids did all their evening chores without complaining and everyone got a bath. On top of that I didn't loose it when Zach killed the vacuum by sucking up one of my socks. I calmly unplugged it, fanned away all the smoke, pulled out the sock, and turned on my scentsy candle warmer to mask the burnt smell.

We had a peaceful and successful family home evening. We had a short but good lesson and played a fun game of memory. I only had one doughnut for desert and then tucked them all into bed. Now the pessimist (that's not the right word) in me wants to point out all the things I did not do. I did not get all the laundry put away, I just got it folded. I did not read the kids their chapter of Prince Caspian after I tucked them in bed, I was too tired. I meant to also clean the bathrooms and clean out the van, but didn't get to it - maybe tomorrow.

So here is to the end of another typical day, that I am happy to say I made it through in above average fashion.

p.s. And best of all I got an email from my husband who said he missed me!! - and then I got to talk to him on the phone, YIPPEE!!!


Kristi said...

Grace, I beg to differ. This day was FANTASTIC! Not "nothing extraordinary." It sounds like a wonderful day full of personal accomplishments. I was impressed as I read and read all the things you did today, and all with a positive attitude. I'm so glad you had a great day! Don't listen to those negative whispers about the tasks you didn't accomplish. They're unrealistic and unforgiving. You rock. I hope you can have many days at least half as good as today!

Adriann said...

I am EXCEEDINGLY impressed! After spending time with you I am amazed you are able to get anything done, let alone all that! I certainly couldn't do it.

Mel Sims said...


I, too am very impressed! just getting through a day without yelling is a great accomplishment for me!

It's very fun to read about your family so keep posting when you can!


Nat said...

Great Job! These day are few when my husband is gone. You are a great example for me. Your deployments are longer then mine. Also having 4 kids is harder then my 2. How can I be more like you?

Got to love those phone calls, they just lift your spirit until next time.

Matthew Celestine said...

It was very sensible of you to remind the children to remove their shoes.

I have an whole blog all about the subject of removing shoes:
Shoes Off at the Door, Please

You might want to take a look.