Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My cute mountain man

Army regs state that you must be clean shaven, and I'm not sure how short your hair has to be, but needless to say, it's very short. So everytime Ron is on leave I make him not shave and grow out his hair. I miss his scruffiness and his long hair. So this is Ron after 10 days of not shaving. Isn't he cute?

And here he is back to normal Cpt. Crowther; still cute, just different. However, I must admit that I prefer kissing the clean shaven Ron, opposed to the scruffy Ron. The kids agree with me on that one.

1 comment:

Kate said...

Grace, I don't know if you remember me from Redlands. I'm Sarah Leseberg's sister, Kate. I found you through Kerri's blog.

Gotta love the military for keeping the men so clean cut and shaven! My dad was so nuts about it he used to get his hair cut EVERY WEEK!

Where are you guys stationed now?

Sarah got out of the Army last August and she and her husband, Bob, had a baby girl in September.