Wednesday, February 4, 2009

House update....the never ending project

Okay, where do I begin.... I guess as the beginning. So the first week of January, the demolition/remodel of my house began. Ron thought it would take one week (we have almost reached the one month mark), so the kids and I checked into a hotel just down the street and hunkered down for what we thought would just be a week. At the end of that week it was very apparent that this would take alot longer than we thought. So we took a break from the hotel and stayed with friends for the weekend (thank you Petty's for putting up with us!), but come Monday we were back in the hotel. By that weekend, I knew I was reaching my limit, so I shoved the kids in the car and headed south to my brother Andy's house in VA for a change of pace and more space. We stayed there for the long weekend and came home on Tuesday.

I sweetly told Ron that I was not going back to the hotel and the house needed to be "live able" for me and the kids. Well it was "live able", we had one working toilet and a kitchen sink to wash hands and brush teeth. The bedrooms were still the same and so was the kitchen, so I could cook and the kids had their toys to play with. That same day was the first day for the dry wall to go up - yea!! That was suppose to be done in 3 days, well 8 days later he was finally done. So last Wednesday started the painting spree for me. Do you know how long it takes to prime and paint an entire first floor? A LONG TIME!! And I am not a good painter - my friend Sara M. can attest to that. But I have tried very hard to do a great job because I want the house to look great, and Ron and my great friend Tamara have helped a lot. So I am still not finished painting. I still have the dining room and both bathrooms - of course the bathrooms still aren't ready to be painted so that gives me a break. Oh, I forgot to mention that 5 days after we came back home Ron did get the upstairs bath tub installed so we were finally able to bathe at our own house. (Did you notice how many days that was without a bath tub? Well, we did! And I had to swallow some major humble pie and ask a friend if we could bathe at her house. Of course she said yes, but it was so hard for me to ask. Ron was in trouble with that one. ) And Monday night we started moving some furniture back in the house. My family room is all moved in and Ron is currently putting our T.V. and other electronics back in working order - I can't wait to have my DVR back!!! I know my priorities are a little wacked, but I need my t.v. breaks. And we finally got to eat dinner at our dinner table on Monday - yippie! No more sitting on the floor in the upstairs hallway to eat! (the picnic thing gets old really fast)

So what still needs to be done, you may ask? Well here is the list:
Upstairs bathroom - dry wall, prime and paint it, install lights, and install vanity

Downstairs bathroom - prime and paint, install new laminate floor, install toilet, finish shower install, install vanity, install WASHER AND DRYER (yes I have been going to the laundra mat - yuck!), install doors, and install lights

Whole down stairs - paint base boards and window trim, install base boards and window trim, and install new front door and entry way wood floor.
Oh, and the painting of course - the painting never ends!!

So we are all working hard to finish the house. We do have one major obstacle right now, Ron has pneumonia - yes you read that right, pneumonia!! He is finally feeling better but instead of following doctors orders and resting, he keeps working on the house. Of course I want him to get better and rest, but I also really want him to finish the house. I think I might be hampering his recovery - what do you think?

I will post pictures when we are finally done, hopefully by this SUMMER! j/k


Jackie B. said...

WOW! That is quite the house remodel. I'm sure it will look lovely! Can't wait to see pics.

Sara is crazy four my boys said...

Gotta love house projects, they always take way longer than you plan, I always said at least double the time. I wish I was there to help you paint.
Don't be too hard on Ron, sounds like he has got a ton done, hope he gets to feeling better soon.
I can't wait to see the photos.

Adriann said...

Goodness I feel so bad for you guys. I feel awful for you having to live like that, and awful for Ron being sick when all he wants to do is work work work to make the house perfect for you. Here's praying he'll be healed IMMEDIATELY and remodel elves will come tonight and finish your house for you. Hey, we can hope right?? Does it make you feel any better hearing that our water heater broke and we've been without hot water for three days now?

Adriann said...

Goodness I feel so bad for you guys. I feel awful for you having to live like that, and awful for Ron being sick when all he wants to do is work work work to make the house perfect for you. Here's praying he'll be healed IMMEDIATELY and remodel elves will come tonight and finish your house for you. Hey, we can hope right?? Does it make you feel any better hearing that our water heater broke and we've been without hot water for three days now?

Pattersons said...

oh boy! talk about busy-i can't wait to see pics. of the house remodeled-and hope ron's feeling better soon.

Kristi said...

Wow. I am impressed at both Ron's and your tenacity! I am too much of a wimp to have ever ventured to undertake such a huge project with such a young family! You guys never cease to amaze me. Way to go. I wish you a speedy recovery - both for Ron and for your house! It will be so nice when it's all over.

Jenna said...

I cannot wait to see it, wish I could come up and help you...would be a great escape from here and our long list of getting ready to sell.