Sunday, February 15, 2009

Kid Quote

I use to think that my kids didn't say anything funny, but I was wrong, I just didn't pay close enough attention. This happened today.

Emma was knocking on her brothers door to see if they would play with her.
Tyson: "Who is it?"
Emma: "It's Emma, can I come in?"
Tyson: "What's the password"
Emma: "I don't know the password"
Tyson: "That's kinda the point!"

Can you tell that sometimes the boys are sick of their sister and want to be left alone? But then poor Emma doesn't have anyone to play with and she gets pretty sad. Hold on Emma, Tess is getting older day by day.


Adriann said...

What about Zach saying he wanted to get Grandma's blood pumping? That's pretty funny =).

Jenna said...

Okay, I love that I can totally picture all this going down, probably even the tone of their voices!

Okie Bloxhams said...

love it!! I always say I wish I had a video camera constantly going. there is so much you miss or forget.

Jon and Tamara said...

Oh, your kids say cute things all the time. Miss you guys. :-)

Theresa Walker said...

Poor Emma. That's a cute story.