Sunday, September 21, 2008

I was tagged...

Okay, I was tagged to come up with 6 of my quirks. I don't know if I have many quirks. I definately have things that drive me crazy that are weird, maybe those are quirks. So here goes my attempt. Maybe my family can help me come up with some of my quirks.

1. I hate the sound of gulping, it drives me crazy. It started when I was first pregnant with Tess and I was off my anti-depressents for a while (very bad idea), and sounds started to drive me crazy. Gulping is the only sound that still really bugs me. In fact I am kind of hyper about it, the kids know not to gulp!!

2. I sleep with a teddy bear when Ron is gone. I bought him at the BYU bookstore when Ron was in Korea. He was so soft and cozy and I just had to have him. He is usually just a decoration on my bed, but when I am really missing Ron he becomes my sleeping companion.

3. I hate taking showers, or baths for that matter. I just wish that I was always clean. It is such a pain to get wet, get dry, and then redo your hair. It takes way too much time and I wish I didn't have to do it!! ( I promise that I do keep myself clean)

4. I have a thing for tote bags. I have quite a few now, and in fact this summer I bought one for each of the kids and had their names embroidered on them. They were perfect for all our travels. Each of my bags has its own purpose, and there is no mixing them up!!

5. I get tons of catalogs and I love to "pretend shop" through catalogs. I get out a pen and I slowly go through every page and circle everything I wish I could have. Then I feel like I have shopped and I feel better. Emma is now a great "pretend" shopper. Her favorites are the Lands End Kids, Pottery Barn Kids, and Oriental Trading Company catalogs, and she circles away.

6. I can only read happy fluff books. And when I find a book or books that I love I read them over and over. I have decided that I have way too much drama in my life to add to it by reading about it. I tend to internalize everything I read, so it has to be happy and uplifting. My latest addiction was the Twilight Series (number 3 was my favorite) and I have re-read Harry Potter too many times to count. If anyone has happy books to suggest I would love it!!

Okay, so I guess I do have a few quirks. Now I tag: Sara Mendenhall (I know you don't have a blog but you should start one, so heres your excuse), Tory Jackson, Megan Purcell, Kerri Burch, Jenny Eckton, and my sisters Adriann and Jacque! I can't wait to learn about your quirks!!


Becky and JJ Campbell said...

Grace, I am so with you on the shower thing. I hate it too. It just wastes to much time and I wish I could skip it. You are not alone.

Sara is crazy four my boys said...

Sorry Grace, no blog yet. I have been thinking about starting one, but I am terrible about taking pictures and I can't even imagine how I would be about posting them...anyways I will tell you 6 of my quirks~ 1. I have a bag quirk as well, Shane calls me the bag lady, I have a bags for everything! 2. Weeds in the lawn or flowers beds or garden drive my crazy, I am constantly weeding something. 3. NO loose trash thrown in the outside trash can, everything must be put in a trash bag first(bag quirk continued here). 4. I am very particular about how my house smells, I never want someone coming into my house smelling stinky boys, dogs or whatever, same with my car. This would explain why I love Scentsy so much and love selling it! 5. It takes me forever to make a decision, I agonize over it for way too long. 6. I sleep in the middle of the bed, even when Shane is in it, poor guy!

Anonymous said...

Jan Karon--- The Mitford Series
This is a must read for uplifting and heartsong reading:)