Monday, May 12, 2008

Tyson wrote this for school

Tyson, my almost 10 year old is a great writer. He had an asignment to write about his dad. This is what he wrote:

"My dad is an army soldier. He got married in college. My mom had me in 1998. He loves his family. My opinion, he is the best dad. He usually has an army suit on. His green-brown eyes are just like mine. He has a square but round face and a big smile. The skin color of him and the family is whitish, tanish.

He is in Iraq right now and obviously has a rifle with him. I miss him and he misses me. He is very nice and doesn't yell that much (I hope he does the same to his soldiers). In Iraq if you touched him he would feel very, very sweaty because the temperature is very hot. I love my dad and I'm glad he's mine."


Donetta said...

That is really sweet.

Nat said...

That is so sweet. I bet that made dad feel Great!!